Summertown Utility District board meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, unless that day falls on a holiday. If the meeting date has to be changed we will post it in the local newspaper, on the website and on our Facebook page.
If you have any questions please call the office and we will gladly assist you.
Please review the information below if you plan to attend one of our monthly meetings:
Summertown Utility District Board of Commissioners
o Observe the Public Meeting Rules and the Rules of Decorum.
o Listen to understand, not to reply.
o Speak with intention in a concise manner.
o Be tolerant and respectful in disagreements with others’ statements or comments.
o Express your opinion to educate board members, commissioners, audience members, and your neighbors with respect.
- All speakers are required to sign the Public Comment Sign-In Sheet no later than five (5) minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting. The Sign-In Sheet shall be made available no later than 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the meeting. All speakers shall be present at the meeting.
- Those requesting to speak must be a current customer of the Summertown Utility District.
- Speaker names are called in numerical order. Please give your name and identify the item you will be addressing.
- All comments shall be directed through the Chairman. Public comments are not a debate and there shall be no questions-and-answers as part of any comments.
- Anger, rudeness, ridicule, obscene or profane language, impatience and lack of respect for others and personal attacks are not acceptable behavior. Demonstrations in support or opposition to a speaker or idea are not permitted in the Commissioners Chambers. The Chairman is responsible for maintaining order. Failure to abide by this requirement may result in the forfeiture of the speaker’s right to speak.
- All comments must be relevant to the items on the agenda and should be concise, non-repetitive, and shall not exceed three (3) minutes per speaker. Time cannot be shared or allotted with other speakers. Time limits may be adjusted at the discretion of the Chair. The allotted time of three (3) minutes shall include and commence from the beginning of the speaker's remarks. No comments shall be permitted outside of the public comments section of the agenda or an applicable public hearing.
- The Chair can stop comments after time has expired or if the commenter has violated these Rules and/or the Rules of Decorum.
- The Chair can remove the commenter from the meeting if violations occur.